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Introducing SRL Into Your Life

An Introduction to Self-Regulation

As parents, we want our children to learn the necessary skills for managing their attention, emotions, and behavior.  Our life experiences have taught us how essential these skills are for academic accomplishment, successful relationships, and community involvement.  We have also experienced, as parents, frustration and wearinenss when our attempts to instill these skills in our children are unsuccessful.

Self-regulation is the set of skills needed to manage our attention, emotions, and behavior. Research and best practice for these skills can be found under other headings, such as executive functioning, behavior management, self-control, and habits of mind.  This website draws on that research, best practice, and our experience as parents to provide a resource for learning how to help your child develop self-regulation skills. Understand from the outset that achieving self-regulation skills is a process. So, relax.  Take a deep breath. Most of the time, we can help our children develop better self-regulation skills. But, the process takes time, planning, and persistence.

Often, when developing self-regulation skills, we are working on changing a habit.  Or, more accurately, we must work on replacing an ineffective or maladaptive habit with a positive habit.  Think about your own experiences.  Remember when you tried to change one of your own habits--losing weight, exercising more, organizing your finances.  If you were succesful, it probably was not an easy change and you probably had setbacks.  Your child is likely to go through similar setbacks when changing habits. Don't give up. You or your child may need to re-commit energy to achieving the goal, change strategies, or carefully reflect on your progress to attain a better understanding of the reasons behind the tenacity of the habit you want to purge.

Sometimes, instead of changing a habit, we must develop a new skill in order to self-regulate.  Again, we have all experienced what it takes to learn how to ski or bowl or roller skate.  We have also had to learn how to use new software programs at work or to follow a new protocol for doing our jobs.  Effort, overcoming obstacles, and persistence, are all important.  It may also be necessary for us to have a mindful plan on how to develop the skill.  

When we are ready to make a change in our lives and self-regulate our actions, we go through a series of steps of preparing, taking action, reflecting, making revisions, and maintaining over time.

Motivation and Negative Beliefs about Acomplishment

Accomplishment requires self-regulation skills along with motivation and the belief you can change.  It may be that the self-regulation website is not your starting point.  If your child is stubbornly convinced that making the change is too hard or if there seems to be little motivation to improve, you may want to start with our website on mindset or our website on motivation.

When your child believes the task is too  hard

Your child may object and say that changing is too hard, that she can't do it, or that there is something wrong with her that can't be fixed.  If your child is convinced that she is not able to change, we recommend you visit our website Mindset for Accomplishment and have conversations with her about the importance of a growth mindset.

When motivation is the main concern

Your child may tell you that he is fine with the grades he is getting or with his behavior.  He may in some way make clear to you that he has no interest in putting forth the necessary effort to make any changes.  The change has no value to him.  Or, the change may be of some value, but just not worth the effort it would take to make the change.  If your child does not see a reason to change we recommend you visit our website Motivation for Accomplishment and start the conversation with your child about the value of education and the style of motivation typical for him.

What Will you and Your Child get From Using the Self-Regulation Tools?

  • You will learn how to set effective goals and set a goal of your own.

  • You will learn how to plan effectively and begin to develop your own plan.

  • You will find resources for tracking your performance over time and learn why this is important.

  • You will learn how to reflect effectively on your performance data.

  • You will learn how to revise your plan when needed and how to maintain your plan when the going gets tough.

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Learn more about the resources for Keys to Accomplishment, provided from the Gifted Programs of Virginia Beach City Public Schools.

These keys can help you be more successful as you begin your SRL journey.

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