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Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Lab at Utah State University
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Prospective Graduate Students
For more information regarding the graduate program in School Psychology at USU, go to:
To apply, go to:
Over the past five years, the psychology department has averaged $3,505,146 per year in grant funding, which means more support like tuition aid, new technology, travel funding, and extra perks for student success.
Graduate Assistantships
Doctoral and EdS students in
psychology will be employed on .50
full-time equivalent (20hrs per week) assistantships as long as they remain in good standing in the program.
Travel Funding & Research Awards
Travel grants can be awarded to students up to the following for corresponding locations:
$800 - international
$600 - national
$400 - regional
Another $3000 can be awarded for either thesis funding or dissertation funding
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